Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Beautiful Damage

Beautiful Damage

Life’s best creation cannot be rivaled
That perfection
Alluring and dangerous
All in the same instant
That perfection
Is damaged people

Even the ones placed on a pedestal before us
Expertly hiding their flaws
All of our beauty
Comes from our mistakes

We are survivors
Painting outside the lines
Or splattering the world like Jackson Pollock
Ignoring the expected paint by numbers
We tell ourselves we should follow

We endure
And in doing so we crack our porcelain lives
Some of our cracks our bigger
But those cracks are what define us
What shows us our strength

These cracks we cause
The struggles we suffer
This shows us we are alive
And not stuck in a mindless acceptance of fate

So rather than get bitter
We get better
Rather than fade
We fight
Our scars make us perfect

If there were no obstacles for us to overcome
No trials and tribulations
No burdens for us to individually carry
Life would be boring
And quite possibly pointless

So take a moment to grimace due to pain
Take a moment to feel picked on
Take a moment to wonder “Why me?” aloud
And then spend tomorrow, the day after and the day after that
Showing the world what beautiful and perfectly damaged people we are.

16 July 2017
Robert Lloyd