Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Rusted Red

“Rusted Red”

She is fading
I catch myself daydreaming about her
And a smile flashes across my face

I crave the stare of her rusted red brown eyes
The beautiful kind that you can easily lose yourself in

I miss the feel of her syruped caramel skin
And I want to touch her again
To run my fingers along the small of her back
To feel her warm skin beneath my own

I enjoy the way her hair looks when it has been tussled by my rough hands
I even laugh now as I envision her fighting to smooth it back to normal
Knowing full well that I will only mess it up again

My heart races
I can see her flashing that perfect crooked smile
Asking me
“What do you want?”

She is my escape
My today
There is no promised tomorrow
And I am comfortable with that

For now

Robert Lloyd

Monday, March 7, 2016



I am driven
Absorbing everything around me
Busying myself with stuff I used to ignore
Trying to be too involved to breathe
It’s me running faster than my own thoughts

My future ghosts are chasing me
Like hungry howls in pursuit
Waiting for me falter
But I press on determined

If I could just ignore the footsteps behind me
At least for just few moments more
Then it will all go away
I could burst out of the crowded forest that is my tortured heart
And be bathed in the sunlight of blank canvass

I escape reality by not acknowledging it
The pain of the bite at my heels is too much to endure
I am the rabbit running
Unwilling to succumb to the snarling wolves in my head
The ones I created

Robert Lloyd

Wednesday, March 2, 2016



Will I have the next kiss goodbye
Or will that one be my last one
As the dark cloud hovers above me
My heart waits for resolve
Has my latest appeal prolonged the end
Will the bell toll midnight
And the finality of reality run it’s course

My death row heart holds onto hope
I wait patiently
Not giving in
She makes me smile when no one else can
My breath catches when she walks into a room

Still when I bleed this honesty
Hers is one of “I don’t know”
What more can I bare
Waiting for the inevitable
If there is no now
How can we hope for tomorrow

I glance back to the yesterdays
The ones she says were not there
Which of us is lying to ourselves
Bending reality to hold onto the latest idea

The guillotine hangs ready to fall
And I willingly place my neck on the block
Begging for a quick end
Or for her to yank me away
Wanting desperately to renew us

Robert Lloyd