Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Road

"The Road" 

People pass through my day like cars at a stop light 
They are momentarily there 
Headed on the same path 
But eventually they turn off at one point 
Leaving me once again on my own road 

I find myself jealous that they have passengers 
Parents, children, family and friends 
My car is empty 
My company kept is songs tied to memories 
Songs that fade further into yesterday 

It's as if I am behind the wheel of a hearse 
Driving alone 
With death being the only hitchhiker I am sure to find 

 Robert Lloyd

Wednesday, June 29, 2016



The beat of my heart accelerates when she first comes into view.   She is the sexy part of a summer storm.  That dark cloud on a bright sunny day that many enjoy, and know will bring a much needed rain and even bit of electricity. She is the lightning bolt aimed right at me, winding up with a few bits of taunt and sway.   With her stare and smile she charges my skin, my entire body.  The hairs on my arm stand on imaginary tippy toes in anticipation of her touch and soft lips.  She is the raindrop that falls from the sky and kisses the skin on the back of my neck, waking me up, sending a shiver down my spine.  She is the dance in the rain that cools the air around me and makes me forget yesterday and the dry heat.  She is the steam that floats up from the ground racing past me to the skies, to gather, and start all over again another day.  She is the unexpected.  She is my smile.  She is my today and maybe tomorrow.

Robert Lloyd

Monday, June 6, 2016

My Own Van Morrison

"My Own Van Morrison"

Liquid pools of brown syrup spill over me with a hungry intent
The only thing that breaks the hold her eyes have on me
The one that cements me to where I stand
Waiting for her touch
Is her smile
It sends my heart skipping a beat too fast

She scares me
But in a good way
And I think she knows it

She could be the fairy tale you have read about
And almost forgot
Because you were lost in the thick grey reality of life
The one you were taught to accept
That’s just what everyone does

Her presence is the joy that invites me to happiness
And I plan to prolong the time I have with her
Even if it is to just savor those amazing
Dark, rich, hot chocolate brown eyes
For a few seconds more

Robert Lloyd

And It Seems

"And It Seems"

We survive our devils
So as to find our smiles
We try to forget what went wrong
And recapture the good portions of yesterday
And it seems
My sought after grin
Is at its most Cheshire
When you are within the graze of my fingertips

We dream of adventure
A way to escape the humdrums of our existence
We imagine the open road and new hope
Spread out before us
And it seems
My gas tank is most full and shifting for a journey
When you are seated next to me
Eyes wide, and ready for the tarred blacktop before us

We dread the final chapter
Hoping for a new author
Someone whose pens drips with imagination
A person willing to write anything
Without fear
And it seems
You make me that person
For now, you are my muse, blowing the pages forward
As my scribble tries to capture all you inspire within my mind
And possibly my heart

Robert Lloyd

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Laughter Revolution

"Laughter Revolution"

We need new hippies
Another generation to enjoy the now
A people that pull rainbows from the dull cities
Flowers in the rifle barrels part two
Society should be looking beyond tabloids and our own dead ends
When we sweat, yank the clothes from our bodies and teach us to dance in the gritty acid rains

Our neighbors should take their last dollars and use it on instant smiles
 It’s a time for the poets and songwriters to quicken the pulse of the world
To show us there is more to life than cable boxes and the latest tickle me Elmo
We should smile more often and wander the streets like gypsies
Camp out on the sidewalks sucking in the yellow rays of sunlight and laughter

We need to open borders and close-minded fools
Allow the daring to run to the top of any mountain they choose
And while there let them scream from the top of their lungs
Hollering every verse of Dylan’s Do Not Go Gentle

Families should learn to not despise who our children are
They need to embrace them
Empty their pockets till they have every crayon possible, even periwinkle

We must extract the dreams from the dulling eyes and witness them happen
Let us all be spent by one another’s exhausting joy

We need to relish today
So that tomorrow
The children will know it is what they can and will do as well

Robert Lloyd