“Naked In Your Socks”
Sometimes we spend too much time trying to force smiles
It seems that when we let go of our pursuit
That is when we stumble upon what we crave
So let slip the grasp of want and live the moment
The next crack in the sidewalk you blindly trip over
May just set you on your ass laughing
If not, oh well
Get up and dust yourself off
Continue staring at the clouds
And once more move forward
We spend too much time looking down
Planning our steps
Trying to ensure we navigate to the place we want
In doing so, we miss the birds and butterflies that flutter
We miss that dimpled smiling glowing eyed glance of someone
They may just be wondering about a what if with us
Don’t miss our chance at hello
Release the weight of a contrived future and just be
Be “Risky Business” and slide half naked in your socks
across the floor
Be “The Babe” and call your shot even if there is no chance
in hell
Be the bad karaoke singer that makes your ears hurt yet
everyone still cheers
Be you without planning who you are
Embrace the future without caring about the outcome
This may just bring the smiles you crave
The people you wish to love
The life you so badly want to live
Look up
And step forward
Robert Lloyd
13 September, 2016